It's a logical move to reinvent Spyro after Crash, but let's also remember there was seemingly a tease of Crash 5 hiding in the very first level of Crash 4 after you'd hit 106% completion. Still, it's easy to imagine the developer tackling a project like Spyro 4 following the success of Crash 4.
We should probably remember that it's all speculation for now and there's been no official word from either Activision or Toys for Bob. By taking the series in a bold new direction and delivering an official sequel to Crash 3: Warped, Toys for Bob delivered a faithful sequel that cashed in on fans old and new. Going in favour of the idea of Spyro 4 is the fact Crash 4 did so well.
Unfortunately, while that blundering bandicoot stood the test of time, this daring dragon largely slipped into the history books. In the '90s, PlayStation owners were largely divided into two camps depending on whether they were Crash or Spyro fans. It all looks promising, but are we just nostalgic gamers grasping at straws in the hopes of another Spyro. We`re just so blessed right now for the day and age we live in with them.- CRASH BANDICOOT CLUBHOUSE December 7, 2020 I love this timeline cycle we live in that Activision has going with VV, TFB, Beenox and King. It`s gonna be really nice to see our lovely purple dragon get his new game which will likely come next year.